Outdoor wedding pictures

Outdoor wedding photos, photo shooting for engagement, wedding anniversary or as a special and creative gift for your loved one

In summer as well as in winter, the Bernese Oberland offers the most diverse and impressive backdrop in the Alps in a very small space. From the mighty triumvirate of the Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau, the numerous breathtaking waterfalls, luscious mountain lakes, romantic wooden chalets to the turquoise Lake Brienz, you will find perfect photo locations in the Bernese Oberland.
After detailed advice, we will guide you to the places that perfectly suit you and stage images that are intended to last forever.
Depending on the time required, 3-4 different locations can be installed in one day.
This offer is not only aimed at newlyweds, older couples in particular will find an extraordinary and creative product here to celebrate their eternal bond. Of course, LGBTQIA + couples are also warmly welcome!

Of course, it doesn't have to be the Bernese Oberland, we are happy to take photos of you in the region of your choice.

Standard package CHF 2380.-


- Whole day accompaniment and photo shoot with 1 photographer (9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.)

- Depending on the time required, visit of 3-4 locations

- Driving expenses and tickets for the photographer (except Jungfraujoch)

- Lunch for the photographer

- 50 edited photos in digital form


- Clothing rental and make-up

- catering

- Decoration such as a bouquet of flowers etc.

- Photo assistant

- special expenses such as train tickets, admissions, helicopter flights, Jungfraujoch ticket, special permits


- Assistants for photographer, make-up, changing room etc.

- Rent of wedding dresses, Swiss traditional costumes, etc.

- Helicopter flights, special private locations, folklore groups, etc.

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